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For all the recipes below, tbsp is level tablespoon, dsp is level dessert spoon, tsp is level teaspoon, unless stated otherwise. Use proper measuring spoons - you can buy them in a set from kitchen or hardware shops, eg Portswood Hardware in Southampton. A teaspoon or dessert spoon that you use that you use to stir your tea or eat your dessert can vary in size quite a bit, and are both normally quite a bit smaller than a proper measuring spoon equivalent.


Makes around 10 jumbo-sized falafels or 20 standard-sized falafels. Our thanks to The Art House www.thearthousesouthampton.co.uk for letting us use their recipe! Warning - there's a bit of an art to how finely the chickpeas need to be ground and how much pressure is needed to form the falafels. Some people tell us that their falafels fall to bits or erode away when they deep fry them.

200 g dried chickpeas, soaked in water for around 24 hours
160 g onions (weight after peeling) - chop into big chunks that will fit into the food processor
1½ tsp ground coriander
1½ tsp ground cumin
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp salt
½ tsp chilli powder
½ tbsp turmeric
2 tsp lemon juice
Vegetable oil for deep frying

1) Soak the dried chickpeas in plenty of cold water for at least 24 hours. The chickpeas expand in the water so you need lots of it to keep them all submerged. Drain, cover with cold water, then drain again. For the second drain, put them in a colander and leave them for at least 5 mins to reduce their water content.
2) Put all ingredients except the veg oil in a food processor and blend until cous-cous size.
3) For each falafel, scoop a very heaped tbsp of the mix for a jumbo-sized falafel, or a rounded tbsp for a standard sized falafel. Form in your hands into a flattened ball and make sure there are no cracks in the surface, otherwise they might break up when frying. Don't press too hard - you need to leave some air in them for a good texture.
4) Deep fry in oil at around 180C. Put them in gently with a spoon since they are fragile until they are fully fried. Frying time depends on the exact oil temperature but is likely to be around 5 mins. They are reddish-brown when ready.

Creamy Sweetcorn Tart

Makes one large tart if you use a large quiche pan. Our thanks to The Art House www.thearthousesouthampton.co.uk for letting us use their recipe!

Make sure you use Marigold Swiss vegetable vegan bouillon powder, which is in an dark orange tub. Marigold also make some other types of bouillon powder which are in different coloured tubs, but we've tried them and they're not as good - the pies don't taste as nice if you use a different Marigold bouillon. In Southampton, October Books in Portswood and Rice Up sell this variety.

Ingredients - Pastry
200 g light brown self-raising flour [made by Doves]
55 g cooking oil (eg olive oil or rapeseed oil)
approx 55 g water

Ingredients - Filling
375 g soya milk
125 g cooking oil (eg olive oil or rapeseed oil)
45 g porridge oats
2 dsp bouillon powder [Marigold Swiss vegetable vegan bouillon powder - DO NOT SUBSTITUTE!]
70 g tomato puree
½ tsp ground black pepper
3 tbsp lime juice
300 g sweetcorn kernels
100 g broccoli

Method - Pastry
1) Pre-heat oven to 180C
2) Oil a large quiche pan.
3) In a bowl, rub the oil into the flour, then add water and mix, using a sufficient amount of water to form a pastry that's fairly dry and just about rollable.
4) Roll out the pastry (no need to flour the surface) until fairly thin, and use to line the flan dish, including the edge so that it will hold the filling.
5) Bake for 5 minutes then remove from the oven and gently poke down the surfaces where it has bubbled up, then bake for another 5 minutes.

Method - Filling
1) In a saucepan, add the soya milk, oil, oats, bouillon powder, tomato puree, black pepper and lime juice and whizz with a hand blender until smooth.
2) Mix in the sweetcorn and warm with medium heat, stirring regularly until hot but not boiling.
3) Break the broccoli heads into small pieces, mix in to the filling, then fill the quiche dish and bake for 10 minutes.

Instead of sweetcorn, use peas. You can substitute the sweet corn for lots of different vegetables, so long as they aren't watery which would thin the sauce, preventing it from setting.