
Eating & Staying Out

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Solent Vegetarians & Vegans (SVV)

Who are we?

We're a UK group formed to encourage people to adopt a veggie or vegan lifestyle and to enjoy ourselves too! Our members come from the South Hampshire, East Dorset and South-East Wiltshire area, which includes Southampton, Romsey, Lymington, New Milton, Ringwood, Salisbury, Fareham, Gosport, Locks Heath, Portsmouth, Petersfield, Hedge End, Waterlooville, Eastleigh and Winchester.

For the benefit of anyone who doesn't live in the UK who has surfed their way onto this web site, the Solent is a geographical area in the South of England centred on the city of Southampton.

What we do and how to join

We have an occasional e-newsletter that we email to our members. Membership is completely free - Here's our sign-up form. Our e-newsletter has local veggie/vegan news and events, and new shops/cafés of interest to vegetarians and vegans.

We don't pass on your email address or other details to other members of the group (only the people running the group have access to it) or to any other group. We don't send out spam. If you want to be removed from this list, let us know, and we'll do that. You're unlikely to get an email from us more frequently than once a month, so there's no need to worry about getting an excessive number of emails from us! And, we have a Privacy Policy

Link to SVV Facebook page Our Facebook page SolentVeg is currently not active but there are plenty of other local ones...

Bournemouth Vegetarians and Vegans
Southampton and Portsmouth Vegans
Fareham & Gosport Vegan Group
New Forest Vegans
Vegan Southampton
Portsmouth Veggie and Vegan Alliance
Vegan, Vegetarian and Ethically Conscious Southampton
Salisbury Vegans, Wiltshire UK
Salisbury Vegans
Veggie & Vegans Winchester

And here's a local Facebook group for veggies and vegans bringing up young childen:
Hampshire Vegetarian and Vegan Families

If you have stuff to sell/buy/swap/give away vegan friendly and cruelty free products, here's a local vegan version:
Solent Vegan Facebay

Recent changes to our website

July 2024 New page for fully vegetarian catering companies Details on our Catering companies page
June 2024 South East vegan festival St Mary's Football Stadium Southampton July 13 2024. Details on our Events page
June 2024 Big update to website - long overdue, there had been no updates since the end of 2019!

Up, up and away with us...
Thanks to Ruth for this coloured pencil drawing.